The LC in LC Fabrications
Everyone is talking about International Women's Day, so I kind of feel obliged to say something too. (Plus, I just did a solid monochrome photo shoot of all the girls at the shop and am itching to get the pictures published). If you've ever been wondering what the LC stands for in LC Fab (their not just randomly chosen from alphabet soup), look no further than Lindsay Cupp. Mom, wife, bookkeeper, polishing expert, and an excellent cook. She has been by Dad's side since the very first product was churned out in the humble beginning of things. Then comes the daughters, that's me and Emmi, to follow in her footsteps. Emmi has a talent for all things mechanical and a case of OCD that lends her the job of running the CNC on the weekends. You can thank her for the new round of Harley Davidson Switch Deletes. Here at LC Fab, we believe that praise to God and taking care of family comes before business. It takes everyone doing their job to turn raw metal into high quality motorcycle parts at your doorstep. I recently read that %25 of the next generation of motorcycle enthusiasts are women. Dynamics in this country have changed, and will continue to do so. I can say that and I have only been alive for sixteen years. I could go on and discuss women's rights and gender equality, but you can look in the news for that. It is important to the success of any industry that everyone involved gives respect, gets respect, and works hard to live an honest life. Enough said. I am proud to be a part of this family. I am proud to be a part of this company. And, yes, I am proud to work like a girl, because like everyone else at LC Fab, we get things done. Share a picture of a hard working girl that you know in the comments below. It gets to be lonely in this one sided conversation...and as always, check out our Instagram for the latest and greatest from LC Fab!
Cindy shifflett
Harleigh I’m so very proud of you, very well written. I love what your persuing in your dreams, love you and your family so much. Keep following your dreams